elizabeth lasure
My current series, Topography, has developed over the past year and a half. What began as a series of ‘landscapes’ and ‘horizons’ has evolved into vessels that mimic the history and texture of the surface of the earth.
I began working in clay because it demands my attention both mentally and physically. I use porcelain because of its soft, translucent qualities. Like the natural world, I see the clay body and the forms I create as both changing and solid. After throwing the vessels on the wheel, I carve each line to reveal the soft, slow movements of the natural world. I use an English Porcelain clay body, fired to cone 6.
-elizabeth Lasure
Greenhill Gallery: Winter Show 2014. Greensboro, NC.
Hart Witzen Gallery: Showdown. December 2015. Charlotte, NC
Elder Gallery: Carolina’s Got Art July 2015. Charlotte NC
Gail Peacock CMS Art Teacher in Residence at the McColl Center for Art and Innovation, January 2014. Charlotte NC
Elder Gallery . 1520 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28203